CCTVs are commonly known to provide visual information and monitoring. However, with improvements in technology, CCTVs have grown and now they have more functions that you may not be aware of. Below are four of them.
1) Production Line Monitoring
CCTVs are able to replay recordings to assist engineers in finding and fixing faults. Additionally, they are able to find out potential safety and health hazards. This is vital in ensuring that the welfare of your own staffs is maintained and that business activities can carry on. CCTV can also easily spot weak areas and system faults. All in all, delays and obstructions in production lines can be prevented so that your company remains efficient.
2) Retail Insights
Customers’ needs, preferences and consumer behaviours are valued information that are constantly sought after via laborious means of research. However, with CCTV, monitoring can be done to provide information on behaviour patterns. For example, installing a CCTV in a stall allows business owners to monitor the peak periods where most customers arrive, as well as how customers behave inside the store. Additionally, the products that are commonly chosen in the store provide valuable information on the customers’ product preferences. This valuable information can then be used to update business activities and strategies to know when to replenish stocks, readjust shop layouts, how many staffs are needed during certain timings, and maximise profits.
3) Traffic control
CCTVs allow for monitoring at opened and crowded areas. Crowded areas may post a challenge for people to get from one place to another, and becomes challenging to spot relevant information about specific people. Additionally, entry and exit points are often crowded and need to be run efficiently.
Therefore, the monitoring of crowded areas allows valuable information to be acquired regarding the people, their movements, and the flow of traffic. With such information, it can call for improvement in traffic schemes and a change in layout to influence traffic flow.
Improving your security system
Do you still not have an adequate CCTV or surveillance systems in place? Live Sensor is able to assist you in finding one that best fits your financial resources and business objectives as we specialize in offering a comprehensive security guard service. This is important as to have an effective security system requires not only the right technical systems in place, but experienced professionals that would enforce and respond actively to security situations. To find out more, our security guard job description can be found on our website.